NO ONE READS THIS STUFF latest post by cauposticigy in (VP_73) Dear Evan Hansen High Quality 8K 3Gp English Language 74 topics : 470 posts Please refer to the « INFODEX » for all our site rules and information.

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apply latest post by cauposticigy in (Eh;1) Mkv English Sub Watch 4K Malignant Torrent 6 topics : 8 posts After reading all the rules and info, post a biography of your character here. Just fill out the template provided, and one of the mods will swoop in to accept you. Please make sure there's no coding errors in your application, and post in the notification thread when you're ready to have your application reviewed.

Originality and unusual character concepts are highly welcome here! That being said, characters that are driven to fight the scourge often flourish best.
player search system latest post by lighharcavimu in 1080P, 720P La Dea Fortuna Baixar Sem Baixar Mkv Magnet Link Filmeflix Blwz 4 topics : 4 posts Ready to apply? Check out the apply forum, where you can post your character profiles for approval. Looking for other character bios? They're all stored right here. trainersbreedersrangersresearchersagentscivilians
accessing... your PC latest post by cauposticigy in (Oh+0) Shiddat Dubbed With English Avi 4K 4 topics : 4 posts Everything to do with character record-keeping and relations can be found here! Please post plot pages, wanted ads, journals, and thread trackers in their appropriate forums. Thread TrackersPlot PagesJournalsWanted Ads
Juno City latest post by elcasraiganqui in (Mx_74) Anita Não Perde O Comboio Assistir Mkv Completo 2K 16 topics : 74 posts Only a small city, Juno has become the bustling headquarters of the Eos program. Previously, it was best known as home to the local Pokemon Association. Aspiring pokemon trainers, breeders, rangers, and researchers all traveled here to begin their pokemon journey. Times are tough now, but the city is lively and--unbelievably enough--even hopeful as they prepare to fight against the Scourge. Trainer AcademyCypress LaboratoriesBreeder's GuildRanger Union
Proserpina City latest post by cauposticigy in (EF*56) Watch 2K To Mobile Mkv The Starling 13 topics : 13 posts The capital city of Kohaku, Proserpina City is the region's pride and joy. It offers anything you can imagine from a city, and if you can't find what you want in its shimmering Queen's Boulevard, you'll find it in the dirty slums of Grimer's Court. All government buildings, including the Pokemon Association HQ, the pokemon center, and Proserpina Gym, can be found on Printemps Street. On one side, the city faces an open sea, and on the other, Ceres Forest. Proserpina GymMagnolia DocksLetum WarehouseArecura Way
Ceres Forest latest post by elcasraiganqui in (Fi?83) Kermit'In Bataklık Yılları 3Gp Stream 2K Free 18 topics : 19 posts A prized nature reserve, Ceres Forest has remained more or less free of the scourge thanks to the vigilance of the Ranger's Union. As long as you stick to the clearly marked path and make camp only at designated sites, traveling through the forest is perfectly safe. However, straying even just a little almost guarantees an encounter with a wild pokemon--or another trainer. It's a perfect place for newbies to train their pokemon. Juturna VillageCaca's GroveAmber GladeMessor Rock
Di Manes Caverns latest post by cauposticigy in (Zs@95) 2K New Mp4 Dune Online 13 topics : 73 posts Originally used as a sepulcher for the rich and elite of Kohaku, Di Manes Caverns is a cave with rich minerals and precious stones all along the cave walls. A winding, claustrophobic tunnel (long since stripped of visible gold and gems) leads travelers through to the other side. Mining and theft are heavily discouraged by the trainers and leader of the Di Manes Gym, located in the deepest depths of the caverns. Di Manes GymAvernus LakeVulcan DepthsLaetus Catacombs
Nerio City latest post by cauposticigy in (KS#98) Avi 2K Watch English Subtitles The Starling 49 topics : 715 posts A far less proper city than Proserpina, Nerio City was known for being a den of thieves, liars, and other such villainy. A cutthroat corporate elite ruled the city, and crime rings ruled the underground. Perhaps it's only justice that Nerio is now an urban death zone, crawling with scourge. Anyone that could run to Di Manes to safety already have. Those that are left have nowhere to go or no way to get there. Nerio GymVesta City SquareCloacina RowBellona Hills
Meditrina Town latest post by lighharcavimu in Mp4 720P Ver Al Móvil Noah Land Torrent Link 33 topics : 520 posts An ancient civilization of yore once had its capitol near Bacchus. Since it was discovered, archaeologists and historians established the makeshift Meditrina Town to carry out a long-term excavation. While the scourge left the excavation sites remarkably untouched, they devastated the town. It seems the people of Meditrina have brokered a nervous peace with the scourge, but no one's been seen leaving the town. Meditrina GymFebris Archaeological SiteNenia's TunnelFulgora Fields
Lake Pax latest post by elcasraiganqui in (CT+19) Uprising - Kapina Natseja Vastaan 1080P Online Mkv Suoratoisto Torrent 28 topics : 605 posts Lake Pax is the root of the hades virus, where pokemon researchers at the secluded Pax Institute sought to genetically enhance pokemon to ensure certain natures and individual traits. Little did they know, the project would backfire horrifically. Now, Lake Pax is lost to humanity altogether, with the research institute left in ruins. Wild pokemon can survive by keeping their heads down, but trainers and their pokemon won't escape unscathed. Pax InstituteMuta BoathouseLemures CircleLympha Bog
Decima Town latest post by CAEDMON in swarming ~ swablu 21 topics : 322 posts Unlike Nerio City, Decima Town crumbled under the Scourge's first onslaught. Now, the town is nothing but ruins, but at least the Scourge dares not step foot there again, because simply to breathe the air is to breathe poison. Decima's gym leader has ensured that the fallen town in uninhabitable for anything living. Only the gym's most dedicated trainers remain, immune to their own poisons. Their only concern now is battling the Scourge. Decima GymPal ParkMefitis UndergroundEpona River
Hespera City latest post by elcasraiganqui in (XT*62) Göçebe Free Avi 4K Phone Torrent Webteizle Vip 21 topics : 108 posts Robber barons rose to power in Hespera City generations ago, and their families have been squabbling ever since. The deluge of unwanted refugees have become the latest subject of political debate--not to mention the scourge on their doorstep. The gym leader's placed a psychic forcefield around the city, but the scourge are content to wait out a siege. They will all starve, if they don't self-destruct first. Hespera GymCharites BoulevardMinerva CollegeDevera Heights
Mors Desert latest post by elcasraiganqui in (SN)76) În Cautarea Comorii Românești 8K 3Gp Complet 17 topics : 204 posts Dry and hot during the day, freezing cold at night, Mors Desert is more or less what you'd expect of such a place. Its scorching heat and unbearable cold is a gift to Kohaku, as only the most resilient of the Scourge can cross it--but cross it they shall. Eastern Kohaku feels secure in the strength of the desert, but the Ranger Union currently fights to delay the scourge. They know for a fact that it's not a question of if but of when. Fortuna OasisLua HighwayTellumo AmphitheatreThe Parcae
Cura Village latest post by cauposticigy in (XI:85) 4K Watch Film The Last Duel Mp4 11 topics : 100 posts A lovely old town where tradition still holds strong, getting to Cura is least a ten mile trek from any modern road. Visitors should be sure to visit both their curative hot springs and famed training dojos. Trainers have journeyed here from all of the world to hone their body and soul. All is at peace in Cura Village, but while no one's saying it out loud, everyone knows that if the Scourge attacks, everyone's screwed. Cura GymEgeria FallsCybele CircleMellona Estate
Aurae City latest post by lighharcavimu in Lazzaro Felice Online Mkv 4K, 720P Baixar Magnet Link 10 topics : 101 posts Aurae City is the highest point in Kohaku, and it's difficult to get there without flying pokemon. The path up, by land or by air, is filled with dangerous pokemon, but the city is a stunning sight: glorious splendors of classic architecture blended with gleaming feats of modern technology. If you don't deserve to be in Aurae City, you can't get there. That's the way it's always been, and the locals wouldn't have it any other way. Aurae GymPorrima CityInvictus PeakSilvanus Heights
Sol Strand latest post by elcasraiganqui in (Cn)8) Na Hrvatskom Sub Igre Gladi: Sojka Rugalica 2. Dio 1080P Avi Hd Torrent Magnet 23 topics : 222 posts A beach resort where you'd least expect it, Sol Strand lies on the other side of Mt. Aurae, and it's nothing but perfect sand and crystal clear waters. Connected by port to the rest of Kohaku, it's a prime vacation spot that also hosts the accalaimed Kohaku University. Between the sun and the breeze, surf's always up, but now times are grimmer as the University redoubles its efforts to combat the scourge. Salacia CenterNeverita BoardwalkKohaku UniversityS.S. Claire
Somnus Ruins latest post by cauposticigy in (DH+50) Honsla Rakh Release Date Mp4 With English 8K Torrent 14 topics : 92 posts Somnus Ruins lie upon a string of islands that's strictly off-limits to all but the hardiest of adventureres. The region's strongest wild pokemon roam here. Very little is known about the history of the ruins, but the archaeologists believe that it used as a burial ground by an ancient pokemon civilization. The ruins are crowned by a tower that reached for the sun. How such a grand civilization ended is a mystery. Crypts of NonaIsis GardensTower of JanusAion Pools
Dream World
City of Dreams latest post by elcasraiganqui in (Em!50) Mkv Stream Film Despre Miere Si Nu Numai 720P Torrent Magnet 82 topics : 1,479 posts Everyone in Kohaku frequents the Dream World, and the City is where they gather: an infinite metropolis that caters, unsurprisingly, to your wildest dreams. Its food is sublime, its facilities flawless, and its denizens impossibly beautiful. Training CenterEos LaboratoriesBreeding FarmsGrand BazaarBattle Arena
Island of Dreams latest post by cauposticigy in (TD$59) 1080P With English 3Gp Online Rashmi Rocket 9 topics : 77 posts The Island of Dreams is full of wild pokemon to train against or to capture. They say there's something eerie about Dream World pokemon once they're taken into reality, but who cares? Pleasant ForestWindswept SkySparkling SeaMisty ValleySmoking VolcanoMoonlit Station
Land of Nightmares latest post by cumiforlito in Greed 3Gp Turk 720P Online 25 topics : 459 posts The Land of Nightmares lies deep in the Distortion World. Visitors may not even find the Land of Nightmares unpleasant--it has it's own moody charm--but something in the air, an essence that seems alive, is despairingly lonely. Castle ForlornVelvet HallLibrary of Lost ThingsThe AscensionEternity
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The Lounge latest post by Joanna Riggs in contact thread 68 topics : 544 posts
This is our OOC forum, where you can talk about damned near anything you want. All we ask is that you keep it PG-13 and don't get us closed! Otherwise, feel free to introduce yourself, talk about writing, exchange pal codes, make a poll to find out everyone's favorite color, or anything else you want. Anything goes!
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Our very own graveyard. Here, we put finished threads, dead threads, and inactive character profiles. Basically, it's a really depressing place, except for the finished threads. Go check those out!
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