This world is inhabited by creatures that we call pokemon. People and pokemon live together by supporting each other, but now the scourge threatens the safety of the entire region. Kohaku has become a dangerous place, where children stay at home and only brave souls go adventuring.
Welcome to KOHAKU. Come for the nightmares. Stay for the tea and crumpets.
The season is SUMMER. It is easy for survivors to forage for food from the land, as there are entire abandoned farms ready for harvest. On the downside, you can smell the corpses.
Welcome to KOHAKU REGION's grand opening! If you're interested in joining, come check out our grand opening giveaway!
"No," Thalia said. "I'm fine right now, but J, you need to put me down. Knock me out. I can't be trusted as long as we're here, it comes in waves and there's nothing I can do about it."
She turned in mid-air, still sprawled out, to look at the deoxys.
"The giratina isn't here."
2WaC7jCE < 50 throws off scourge influence for one post > 80 violence attracts hashr
'he's not. he doesn't come to places of academic writing; i consider him too uneducated for such places, and he knows where he stands in this sacred land. he understands his limits, but it seems that your friend does not.'
J stared at darwin for a moment longer, and darwin was compelled to fall silent for mysterious reasons.
J swam downwards and scooped thalia up in his arms. as thalia's consciousness faded, so did darwin.
how strange. perhaps darwin was somehow linked to thalia's mental state.
vGWEQCmR <20 darwin reforms where hashr is 21-70 darwin reforms in the orb itself 71-99 darwin pulls a dr who, disappears and comes back in a new form 100 darwin is gone forever.
"i'm getting us out," J told thalia, even if she couldn't hear, and tried to will himself into the dream world.
darwin lapsed into an ancient tongue quite unlike the modern scourgetongue. it was the language used amongst legendaries in the shining city once upon a very faraway time.
"could you believe them, hashr? i went there, and guess what, my bride was pleading for your chosen one to knock her out because she couldn't be trusted. you should have been there. that was comedy gold."