This world is inhabited by creatures that we call pokemon. People and pokemon live together by supporting each other, but now the scourge threatens the safety of the entire region. Kohaku has become a dangerous place, where children stay at home and only brave souls go adventuring.
Welcome to KOHAKU. Come for the nightmares. Stay for the tea and crumpets.
The season is SUMMER. It is easy for survivors to forage for food from the land, as there are entire abandoned farms ready for harvest. On the downside, you can smell the corpses.
Welcome to KOHAKU REGION's grand opening! If you're interested in joining, come check out our grand opening giveaway!
happiny's hp shot from 100 to 0 so fast it broke the sound barrier. thalia made a mental note to maybe give the baby pokemon a few days of vacation post-pokemon center.
is this the fifth pokémon now? would be awkward if thalia accidentally sent out like seven.
metagross was scratched and leered at. okay, that was cool. metagross decided to use rock slide on the little cat. it shifted slightly so it didn't get hit by the rocks. to thalia, it said, please move several steps back. rock slide hits quite the radius.
That is indeed the fifth. Thalia stepped backwards. Espurr didn't. She recalled it before the pokemon was swept away for good by a ton of rocks, and sent out her final pokemon.
charizard came out charizard was overkill but i want to see how v-create works in a battle charizard used acc v-create