This world is inhabited by creatures that we call pokemon. People and pokemon live together by supporting each other, but now the scourge threatens the safety of the entire region. Kohaku has become a dangerous place, where children stay at home and only brave souls go adventuring.
Welcome to KOHAKU. Come for the nightmares. Stay for the tea and crumpets.
The season is SUMMER. It is easy for survivors to forage for food from the land, as there are entire abandoned farms ready for harvest. On the downside, you can smell the corpses.
Welcome to KOHAKU REGION's grand opening! If you're interested in joining, come check out our grand opening giveaway!
J shifted in his heavy jacket. after the battle with the camerupt in pal park, he had parted ways with mordecai and ended up in decima town. he still did not need a gas mask to function in the area for reasons unknown. standing some distance away from the woman, he slipped his hands into his pockets and allowed his pokémon to attack.
focus badge mimics x special lucario used foresight on froslass lucario used power-up punch on froslass lucario used dark pulse on froslass F0wwBMlu <20 flinches
intimidate prevents physical moves from being used focus badge mimics x accuracy mawile used acc-brick break on froslass light screen shatters mawile used sweet scent on froslass and nidoqueen mawile used iron head on froslass <30 flinches
Thalia definitely lacked J's subtlety. Standing directly in the agent's line of sight, she stood with her hands folded over her chest and frowned at the battle.
togepi came out. togepi was poisoned. togepi used safeguard togepi used metronome togepi used double kick on nidoqueen togepi used focus badge: x speed togepi used metronome togepi used drain punch on nidoqueen
HP 100% - 3 turns remaining
blastoise came out. blastoise used mist blastoise used focus badge: x acc blastoise used hydro pump + acc on nidoqueen
the scourge can't even attack a wasteland without eos coming to the rescue, and batin thinks that they are poised to capture cura? physis decides to stop thinking about the man before her blood pressure shoots up.
froslass is hit by power-up punch froslass dodges dark pulse froslass is hit by brick break froslass is hit by sweet scent froslass dodges iron head
nidoqueen is hit by double kick nidoqueen dodges drain punch nidoqueen is hit by hydro pump nidoqueen faints
well. that's rather anticlimatic.
physis draws flying sign - defog mist, toxic spikes, and safeguard are cleared away on both sides of the field
froslass uses blizzard on togepi and blastoise froslass uses icy wind on togepi and blastoise froslass uses taunt on togepi
j91IvYnB <10 togepi is frozen <10 blastoise is frozen
perhaps J should get out into the open, because if he didn't, he was never going see the light of lv100+ because no agent would know his name. but then again ...
J used a pecha berry on togepi.
lucario used power-up punch on froslass lucario used dark pulse on froslass _M1knhzt <20 flinches
mawile used brick break on froslass mawile used sweet scent on froslass
godking togepi fell, but he'd cleared toxic spikes and that was really all i needed. god bless you godking.
blastoise used acc boost blastoise used acc-flash cannon on froslass blastoise used mist
HP 100%
charizard came out. focus badge mimicked x-acc charizard used acc-inferno + auto burn charizard used smokescreen charizard used flamethrower (bouquet badge move)
wow this is the tactically worst battle that physis has ever been in. strategically, it could have gone better, but not all was lost.
froslass faints
froslass goes into bloodrage. she gives an otherworldly shriek that even the poison clouds of decima can carry. the signal.
froslass used blizzard on charizard and mawile froslass used icy wind on lucario and charizard froslass used wake up slap on mawile froslass used destiny bond on itself
physis has already started running in the froslass' direction before she even hits the ground. she grabs her hollow body easily and draws the psychic sign - teleport with her free hand.
thalia and j are left with empty space and lungfulls of toxic fumes.