This world is inhabited by creatures that we call pokemon. People and pokemon live together by supporting each other, but now the scourge threatens the safety of the entire region. Kohaku has become a dangerous place, where children stay at home and only brave souls go adventuring.
Welcome to KOHAKU. Come for the nightmares. Stay for the tea and crumpets.
The season is SUMMER. It is easy for survivors to forage for food from the land, as there are entire abandoned farms ready for harvest. On the downside, you can smell the corpses.
Welcome to KOHAKU REGION's grand opening! If you're interested in joining, come check out our grand opening giveaway!
leave my corpse to rotI PLAY grayson lumina
alex faysal
addi monet
luke hopeTRAINER fossil, dust, ebon, venomBREEDER 307 eggsRANGER 4 signsAGENT 12 battles
sup ya'll. i wanted to organize a sort of organized arrangement of hades agents, and my char is by far not the most seasoned agent on this site. he contributed to the creation of the virus though, and totally worships it. he's gungho about people who have been accepted by the virus and wants to purge the world of everyone else who isn't worthy. i was just contemplating making an organized attack of scourge on kohaku or at least... getting the agents to know each other idk.
i'm a little bit caught up on school stuff at the moment, but if we ever decide to have an organized thread/king, if you want any one on one threads I'd be happy to throw Ethan at Alex, they could get to know each other or something! I think they're both the newest agents on the site, so getting to know each other might be advantageous.
i think this is another case of the pax crew, only with agents. we had a first meeting (the first pax circus) before, and i'd think that the first generation of agents are pretty well-acquainted with each other. it's the new influx of agents that we aren't so familiar with.
they all also have different ideas of the virus. the first pax circus isn't as ... motivated to see everything burn, imo. cameron crushes, iskander idles, batin bakes, physis potters.
we should do a pax circus mark ii, i agree, but what are the chances of them working together? lol
eta: i have two agents, both from different gens. so yep. just leavin' this here.