This world is inhabited by creatures that we call pokemon. People and pokemon live together by supporting each other, but now the scourge threatens the safety of the entire region. Kohaku has become a dangerous place, where children stay at home and only brave souls go adventuring.
Welcome to KOHAKU. Come for the nightmares. Stay for the tea and crumpets.
The season is SUMMER. It is easy for survivors to forage for food from the land, as there are entire abandoned farms ready for harvest. On the downside, you can smell the corpses.
Welcome to KOHAKU REGION's grand opening! If you're interested in joining, come check out our grand opening giveaway!
J had probably given up on catching the scourge while they were still around. at least the last one wasn't going anywhere and he could then catch it.
charizard hit by everything J recalled charizard.
J sent in mawile. focus badge mimics x-attack mawile used sweet scent on all enemies mawile used play rough on leafeon mawile used iron head on leafeon (x-atk) Z|rKP2fv <30 flinches mawile used brick break on leafeon (tailwind)
excadrill dodged leaf blade excadrill hit by x-scissor excadrill used earth power on leafeon <10 lowers spdef excadrill used rock slide on leafeon and jolteon (bouquet, acc buff from hone claws) <30 flinches excadrill used drill run on leafeon (tailwind) <13 critical hit
skarmory hit by aurora beam skarmory used air slash on leafeon <30 flinches skarmory used flash on all enemies skarmory used night slash on espeon (tailwind) <13 crits
oh look, a sylveon. J's type specialization started to come in handy. that fairy-type was going to get its face smashed.
mawile, excadrill and skarmory were hit by disarming voice and moonblast. it did pitifully against them. especially mawile.
mawile used sweet scent on sylveon mawile used iron head on sylveon 1SffCCin <30 flinches mawile used metal burst on sylveon (x1.5 suffered dmg) mawile used brick break on sylveon
excadrill used earth power on sylveon <10 lowers spdef excadrill used rock slide on sylveon <30 flinches excadrill used drill run on sylveon
skarmory used steel wing on sylveon skarmory used air slash on sylveon <30 flinches skarmory used night slash on sylveon <13 crits
before the sylveon got mangled beyond recognition, J threw a virus ball.
you don't want to google baby-doll eyes and have google suggest you images for it. jfc.
skarmory dodged baby-doll eyes skarmory used air slash skarmory used steel wing skarmory used night slash
excadrill dodged charm excadrill used earth power excadrill used rock slide excadrill used drill run
mawile used brick break mawile used sweet scent mawile used iron head
did the eevee have to do everything itself? J didn't know, but he supposed that it probably could have opted to hire another castle of eeveelutions to do its bidding.
eevee hit by everything eevee faints eevee captured via thrown virus ball
and the battlefield is silent. no more eeveelutions or scourge pokemon come out of the woodwork. what was supposed to be the strongest of all the pokemon here has been felled by overwhelming forces. all scourge pokemon have fled.
eos is victorious!
(this writer will be bowing out of the thread.) hook ¿